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Coach yourself to a better career

JOBZ: state-of-the-art career development to help you get the role you deserve. No magic formula or inspirational quotes – just plain and simple best-practice career planning you manage yourself.

Get to the good stuff first by signing up now.

More than ever, you've got to take care of your career. Because no one else will. 


Enter your details below to sign up to the JOBZ 5-a-day free trial.



One in four Brits are unhappy in their current job and a whopping 47% of British workers are actively on-the-hunt*

Searching for the perfect next job can be tedious and painful. Worse still, you can never think properly and clearly about the next step if you're having any challenges in your current position.

JOBZ helps you dodge this problem by helping you become your own career coach, so you can take good quality career planning in your stride.

Our vision

A world where everyone has the career and role best for them, regardless of where they've started.

Our mission

To make JOBZ your trusted career advisor – permanently eliminating the pain that people feel during times of change in their career.

(* according to a recent Investors in People report.)


“The best time to find a job is when you already have one.”

— every career coach ever


JOBZ specialises in helping you help yourself

With good service design and asking you the right questions, JOBZ will help you stay on track with your career goals, coach you to the next step and take a load of worry off of your mind. Career coaching is useful to everyone, but only used by a select few.

What is a career coach?

A career coach is a paid advisor who helps you work out your goals for your career and the steps to take achieve those goals. They offer a mixture of advice and coaching, often taking the form of questions with you working out the answers during the one-to-one sessions.

A career coach is often seen as a luxury; when people need it most, they're under career pressure which often comes with financial pressure. With JOBZ, you become your own career coach. Create your personal career plan, and get ready for the next step in taking back control of your career.

Do I need a career coach?

If you're feeling stuck in a career rut, not passionate about your work or find yourself daydreaming about that next dream job, you’d probably benefit from a few good sessions with a career coach.

You might have had that epiphany moment or maybe you’ve reached a tipping point of ‘enough is enough’, and you feel the immediate urge to jump ship – but are you prepared for the leap?

Often we feel we should be able to ‘figure it out on our own’ when it comes to a career. But there’s no shame in asking for a bit of specialist help from a career coach.

But what if you could be your own career coach?

How can I be my own career coach?

A good coach motivates you to set and achieve high quality and productive targets – exactly like JOBZ.

Sign up to the platform and see how JOBZ will help you stay on track with your career goals from today, and every day.

How does it work?

JOBZ is a software-as-a-service platform of career tools. We'll help you develop and manage your CV and personal branding, activate your network and figure out your long term career strategy.

You’re probably ready to make the next step in your career, and we’ve got a selection of packages to help you make that change. Each package comes with a set of useful tools to execute your career goals and our service blends the best techniques with modern technology to help you manage your career to success.

Be your own career coach. Manage your career effortlessly. Have your dream job waiting for you when you’re ready to take the next step.

Which plan do I need?


If you’re thinking of a career change but don’t know where to start, sign up for the JOBZ free trial and get your career rolling. With the free trial, you’ll get a free subscription to our 5-a-day career readiness plan to get you started. Get JOBZ


If you know you need tools to help you make that next step happen, sign up for JOBZ Pro and get on the search straight away.

With JOBZ Pro you get everything in the trial plan as well as access to the core of the JOBZ platform - including our career relationship management software, CV manager tool and more -- ideal for you to take back control of your career. Get JOBZ Pro

JOBZ Elite

If you understand that a good short-term plan isn't worth it, if you don't have the right long-term goal, JOBZ Elite is for you -- perfect for sorting out your career strategy and tactics.

With Elite, you get everything in the JOBZ Pro plan, plus our long-term career management tools, personal task and project planning and pay-it-backwards mentorship management. Get JOBZ Elite

JOBZ Corporate

Good companies know that their teams need to grow in capability if the company is going to grow. Good people will find a way to grow away, unless you keep them growing toward.

JOBZ Corporate packages can be rolled out to your entire employee base and form an important part of your talent management and employee development strategy. Get in touch to put the JOBZ Corporate package in place with your firm, to help your entire team reach their high performer potential. Get JOBZ Corporate

"But what if we train them, and they leave?" "What if we don't, and they stay?"